About Us

The Old Strabane Blog is a non profit organisation. The website is not affiliated with any one political party, religion or pressure group. Our contributors come from many traditions, age groups and countries. You're all very welcome here.

The goal is to build up an accurate multi-dimentional map of Strabane that visitors can explore. We hope to achieve this by collecting historical views of the town from postcards, videos, paintings and photographs. In this early stage of the project, featured images are uploaded to the Sepiatown and WhatWasThere websites where they can be viewed next to their present-day counterparts on Google StreetView. To that end, the role of this blog is fourfold:
  1. To chronicle the uploads we make to SepiaTown and WhatWasThere
  2. To augment those websites' feature sets
  3. To embed metadata in the images for future projects and technologies
  4. To allow you to challenge our assertions publically
Photos that cannot be mapped to Streetview or WhatWasThere are placed in our online Photo Gallery. From here the images are geo-tagged, so that the views can still be located on Google Maps. If needed, the photo gallery can generate KML data. KML data can be imported into other computer applications and interact with multiple technologies; these include Google Earth, PNA devices (SATNAV), simulators, GIS and high end CAD software.

Embedded Metadata
  • Due to current limitations in the way in which metadata is handled on websites such as this, images featured on the Blog are synchronized to our Dropbox metadata page.  If you require images with metadata, then please download them from the Dropbox link. If metadata is not required then feel free to download images directly from this blog.
Image Direction and KML Data
  • KML data generated from the galleries and blog will not include heading, range or tilt values at this time. . For now, directional orientation is included as an informal assertion in each blog image's 'Description' metadata tag: as "North. South. East. West.", or as absolute abbreviated text "NE. NW. SE. SW.". You will have to rotate your field of view manually
    Shared WIFI locations in Strabane.